How CPAs Can Use ChatGPT

aritificial intelligence chatgpt python Mar 12, 2023

Today CPAs and other trusted advisors can use ChatGPT in a number of different ways.

Here are some ways I've used ChatGPT recently for work:

  • Generating Excel formulas

  • Generating programming scripts

  • Generating outlines for presentations

  • Generating summaries of complex topics

Using ChatGPT to generate a programming script

The programming script that I created with ChatGPT was an interesting use case.

There was a medical organization that regularly submitted large billing files to a state agency for reimbursement. The state agency required the data to be submitted as XML files, which the medical organization was capable of generating from their electronic health records (EHR) system.

In some cases, the EHR system assigned incorrect procedure codes. As a result, each month, a billing clerk had to spend six to twelve hours editing the large XML files, finding and replacing the incorrect codes.

I have previously written Python programs to automate similar routine tasks, and I quickly scanned the Python documentation to identify the programming library that would be necessary for the task. However, since I don’t write Python programs every day, I knew writing the full program with proper syntax would require another hour or so of research to refresh my memory, and some trial and error would be required.

Instead of continuing reading the documents, I entered the following prompt into ChatGPT: “I want to write a Python script to help me parse an XML file and replace some text. Write a template to get me started.” ChatGPT provided an excellent template of the Python script.

I reviewed the example XML files provided by the medical organization’s billing clerk to understand the conditions present in the file that would indicate when to replace certain codes and when to leave them alone. Then I coded the conditions into the template that ChatGPT had created.

Within an one hour, I had built a prototype program to demonstrate to the medical organization. Our team demonstrated the program to the billing team of the medical organization and received the necessary approval to proceed with the project.

Today the billing clerk runs the program which edits the XML files within about five seconds, saving six to twelve hours each month and improving the accuracy of the submissions to the state agency. As a result, the medical organization receives its reimbursements sooner, which has had a material positive impact on its cash flow.

How to get good results from ChatGPT

Writing effective prompts is key to getting the most value out of ChatGPT.

Here are some tips for writing prompts that will help you communicate more effectively with the artificial intelligence language model:

  • Be clear and specific: Make sure your prompt clearly conveys what you are looking for. Use instructive verbs such as explain, create, summarize, write, list, code, elaborate, analyze, etc.

  • Use complete sentences: ChatGPT understands language better when it is presented in complete sentences. Avoid using fragments or shorthand.

  • Provide context: If your prompt relates to a specific topic or context, make sure you provide that context so ChatGPT can better understand what you're looking for.

  • Use natural language: ChatGPT is designed to understand natural language, so avoid using overly formal or technical language.

  • Keep it concise: ChatGPT is best at responding to prompts that are short and to the point. Avoid using lengthy or complex sentences.

  • Ask open-ended questions: To get the most out of ChatGPT, try asking open-ended questions that allow for a wide range of responses. Avoid yes-or-no questions that limit the AI's ability to generate a response.

  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different prompts to see what works best. If you're not getting the responses you're looking for, try rephrasing your prompts or providing more context.

By following these tips, you can write more effective prompts that will help you get better results from ChatGPT.

And if you start using ChatGPT for work, let me know how it goes!

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